Staff Shelf: Rose

Rose Momsen

A long term Point Roberts resident, Rose works at the library helping kids and teens find books and games that make them happy. She loves gardening, art journaling, and reading, of course.

What did you like to read when you were young? 

I was (and still am) a big reader. My mom was a reader too, so I think that’s how I found my way into books and never left. I used to always have a book in my bag at school so that when I finished my work early, I just put my nose in my book and all was good. 

I remember reading all the books I liked in our small-town library by the time I was 12 years old. My best friend and I would race through our favorite books, in solid colored hard bound bindings. I loved the way the books smelled! (True confessions: I still sniff books ❤️) I loved the Borrowers series about a family of teeny tiny people who lived in the walls of a normal house.  

Is there a book that changed the way you see the world? 

A Traveler in Time by Allison Uttley was my first life changing book, as it was about time travel to Elizabethan times in England. I’ve been hooked on Historical Fiction, Fantasy and SciFi ever since. Da Vinci’s Cat by Catherine Murdock is a fun new time travel/historical fiction read. Try it out! 

Where is your favorite spot to read? 

Usually, I tuck up and read in bed at night, when it is quiet and warm and I can enjoy not being disturbed. But I will happily read anywhere, anytime – in a comfy chair at the library, or while waiting in a car. I LOVE TO READ!! 

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