To access this service, call the VOA Crisis Response Services (the Care Crisis Line) at 1-800-584-3578 24/7 – 365 days-a-year to speak with a mental health professional who will assess the situation, make appropriate referrals, and/or dispatch the MCOT community based outreach team.
The Mobile Crisis Outreach Team (MCOT) is a community-based outreach team with the ability to respond to and provide crisis services in the community (e.g., homes, schools, shelters). The Team serves adults, adolescents, and children who are experiencing a behavioral health (mental health and/or substance use) crisis regardless of their funding source. MCOT offers short term crisis intervention and prevention services utilizing strength-based, solution-focused, culturally competent, trauma-informed, and recovery-oriented interventions.
What services do we offer?
Urgent community response, usually within 2 hours
Care planning services for up to 2 weeks
Community Outreach
Involuntary Treatment Act Services