Developing Character
Tuesday, December 11, 2019
Thank you to all who participated in the second public meeting for the Blaine Library design process titled Developing Character. About 50 people participated at the event held on Tuesday, 12/10 at the Blaine Senior Center.
The Johnston/King design team shared three initial design concepts including external renderings, floor plans, and site plans. These sparked much discussion about how best to utilize the site and draw attention to the building, considerations for internal layout of spaces and their adjacencies, and what total size the building should be to best serve the population within the library service area.
Interest is growing in this project, and it is exciting to engage in this process in such a visual way. The next meeting is planned for Tuesday, January 14th from 5:30 – 7:00 pm at the Blaine Senior Center. The topic will be Project Realities.